Items where Year is 1996

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Number of items: 130.

BaOsman, Ahmed Abdullah (1996) The kinetics and mechanism of wheat straw pulping with caustic soda. PhD thesis, University of York.

Benham, Biook (1996) A stylistic study of cohesive features in English prose fiction with some pedagogical implications for non-native contexts. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Betts, Catherine Jean (1996) RT-PCR analysis of cytokine expression in murine lymph node and lung tissue following exposure to the irradiated Schistosoma mansoni vaccine. PhD thesis, University of York.

Brown, Andrew Paul (1996) Dielectrophoretic investigations of bacterial cells. PhD thesis, University of York.

Claxton, Karl Philip (1996) The value of clinical information : an economic approach to research priority setting. PhD thesis, University of York.

Colegrave, Nicholas (1996) The evolution of larval competition strategies in Callosobruchus maculatus and C. analis. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Coutsoumpos, Panayotis (1996) Paul's teaching of the Lord's supper : a socio-historical study of the Pauline account of the Last Supper and its Graeco-Roman background. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Doyle, Rebecca (1996) Faces of the gods : Baal, Asherah and Molek and studies of the Hebrew Scriptures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dunnett, Nigel (1996) Vegetation and climate : a thirty-six year study in road verges at Bibury, Gloucestershire. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Elkes, Pauline (1996) The Political Warfare Executive : a re-evaluation based upon the intelligence work of the German Section. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Flavell, Neville (1996) The economic development of Sheffield and the growth of the town c.1740-c.1820. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Frances, Hilary (1996) #... Our job is to free women...' : the sexual politics of four Edwardian feminists from c.1910 to c.1935. PhD thesis, University of York.

Godfrey, Angela (1996) Staff training in homes for elderly people : who wants it and what does it do?. PhD thesis, University of York.

Groeningen, Isabelle Van (1996) The development of herbaceous planting in Britain and Germany from the nineteenth to the early twentieth century. PhD thesis, University of York.

Hanson, Janine (1996) Sympathy, antipathy, hostility : British attitudes to non-repatriable Poles and Ukrainians after the Second World War and to the Hungarian refugees of 1956. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Heap, Paul (1996) General equilibrium models of monetary economics. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ilias-Tembos, Evangelos (1996) The military campaigns of the Axis against Greece : Greece observed 1940-1941. PhD thesis, University of York.

Khanjanusthiti, Pinraj (1996) Buddhist architecture : meaning and conservation in the context of Thailand. PhD thesis, University of York.

Köhler, Jonathan Hugh (1996) Bounded rationality in savings decisions. PhD thesis, University of York.

Lamounier Junior, Edgard Afonso (1996) An incremental constraint-based approach to support engineering design. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lewis, Katherine J (1996) 'Rule of lyf alle folk to sewe' : lay responses to the cult of St Katherine of Alexandria in late-medieval England, 1300-1530. PhD thesis, University of York.

Marriot, Shaun (1996) The application of adaptive resonance theory and reinforcement learning to mapping and control. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Maunder, James Edward (1996) Palaeoenvironmental and ichnofabric studies of the Cretaceous Bulldog Shale, South Australia. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Nichols, Anthony Howard (1996) Translating the Bible : a critical analysis of E.A. Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence and its impact upon recent Bible translations. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Nicolle, Stephen M (1996) Conceptual and procedural encoding in relevance theory : a study with reference to English and Kiswahili. PhD thesis, University of York.

Oven, Vasif Atilla (1996) The behaviour of composite beams with partial interaction at elevated temperatures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pasban, Mohammad Reza (1996) Directors duties and liabilities in corporate insolvency in England and the US. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Rasekh, Abdolrahman (1996) Diagnostic methods in the functional errors in variables models. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Shahadan, Faridah Binti (1996) The determinants of technological innovation adoption among Bumiputera small scale food processing industries in Malaysia. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tabatabaei Lofty, Seyed Mohammad (1996) Mechanical performance of v-ribbed belt drives. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Todd, Iain (1996) Solidification microstructure selection in aluminium-based alloys. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Tracy, Steven Robert (1996) Living under the lordship of Christ : the ground and shape of paraenesis in the Epistle to the Colossians. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Turkenburg-van Diepen, Maria Gertrudis Wilhelmina (1996) Crystallographic studies of modified insulin. PhD thesis, University of York.

Tyler, Colin (1996) Thomas Hill Green and the philosophical foundations of politics : an internal critique. PhD thesis, University of York.

Yin, Hu Jun (1996) Self-organising maps : statistical analysis, treatment and applications. PhD thesis, University of York.


Abu-Idheir, Farid Abdel-Fattah (1996) The coverage of the Intifada in the UK Arab daily press. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ahmadian, Moussa (1996) Interlanguage conformity in strategic competence : ability to use compensatory strategies by second language learners in referential communication. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ahmed, Bipasha (1996) The social construction of identities and intergroup experiences : the case of second generation Bangladeshis in Britain. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Al-Awadh, Mohammed A M (1996) Competitive strategies and barriers to achieving competitive advantage : a study of two Saudi Arabian industries. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Almog, Anat (1996) Focus on detail : the critical role of architectural elements in representational architecture; the case of British buildings in Jerusalem, 1849-1939. PhD thesis, University of York.

Alshaibani, Khalid Asker (1996) Prediction of interior daylight under clear sky conditions. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Bache, Ian (1996) EU regional policy : has the UK government succeeded in playing the gatekeeper over the domestic impact of the European Regional Development Fund. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Bain, David Victor (1996) "Aesthetics", postcolonialism and the literary text : a study in cultural differences with particular reference to the work of Ayi Kwei Armah, Neil Bissoondath, V.S. Naipaul, Ben Okri and Amos Tutuola. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bakker, Pamela (1996) A critical analysis of the plays of Sarah Daniels. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Barkhudarov, Michael Rudolf (1996) Computer modelling of solidification of pure metals and alloys. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Baumberg, Adam (1996) Learning deformable models for tracking human motion. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Beninyo, Ben Katoro (1996) Evaluation of the educational policies of the Sudan, 1972-1992 : impact and implications on educational development in the Southern Sudan. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Benmansour, Naima (1996) Motivation and learning preferences of Moroccan high school learners of English as a foreign language. PhD thesis, University of York.

Boland, Faye (1996) Diminished responsibility as a defence in Ireland having regard to the law in England, Scotland and Wales. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Bulut, Hueseyin Eray (1996) A morphological study of human endometrial stroma in vivo and in vitro. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Capon, Philip John (1996) Adaptive stable finite-element methods for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Cheeseman, Mark John (1996) Is staff counselling an effective intervention in employee distress : an investigation of two employee counselling services in the National Health Service. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Christianson, Eric S. (1996) Narrative strategies in the book of Ecclesiastes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Datiri, Dachollom C (1996) Finances in the Pauline churches : a social-exegetical study of the funding of Paul's mission and the financial administration of his congregations. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Day, Gail Ann (1996) Political Transformations and the Practices of Cultural Negation in Contemporary Art Theory. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Dempster, Gavin John (1996) A large-scale analysis of the acoustic-phonetic markers of speaker sex. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dury, Karen (1996) Essays in environmental and natural resource economics as a contribution to sustainable development. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Dyke, Heather Louise Morland (1996) A Philosophical Investigation into Time and Tense. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Elfotaysi, Jouma Mohamed (1996) The development and structure of Libyan television broadcasting, 1968-1995. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Endo, Mitsugi (1996) The politics of development and stagnation of civil society : experiences of Zambia and Botswana. PhD thesis, University of York.


Fakharzadeh Jahromi, Alireza (1996) Shapes,measures and elliptic equations. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Farahi, Mohammad Hadi (1996) The boundary control of the wave equation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Fores, Sarah (1996) Column generation approaches to bus driver scheduling. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Forster, Hamish (1996) Mixed and boundary lubrication in synovial joints. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Gauntlett, David John (1996) Children, Television and the Environment. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Gibson, Justine C. M (1996) The use of a repertory grid technique with siblings of autistic children : how they see themselves, their siblings and their peers. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.


Haas, Martin (1996) Investigations on shear including the development of a material model for the FE analysis of cracked RC structures. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Hair, Lindsey (1996) The right words in the proper places: an investigation of the poetry of Tony Harrison, from text to TV. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Herbert, David E.J. (1996) The common good in a plural society: Muslims, Christians and the Public Arena in Britain. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Hinckley, Karen Ann (1996) Endocrine and haemodynamic investigations of normal and laminitic horses. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Isaiah, Ramalakshmi V (1996) Development through conservation : a sustainable development strategy with special reference to a heritage zone in Madras. PhD thesis, University of York.

Ismail, Abu Hasan (1996) A computer-based management system for cooperative decision making in development control using the contract model : a case for Johor Bahru. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Jennings, Rosalind Maria (1996) Disappearance in deceptive landscapes : borderlines of identity in the Canadian wilderness with particular reference to selected works by Margaret Atwood, Robert Kroetsch, Michael Ondaatje and Aritha Van Herk. PhD thesis, University of York.


Kandiah, Sivasothy (1996) Fuzzy model based predictive control of chemical processes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Kemp, Steven (1996) The role of illness representations in the process of coping and psychosocial adjustment among adults with epilepsy. D.Clin.Psychol thesis, University of Leeds.

Kenny, Christopher Joseph (1996) Theology and natural philosophy in late seventeenth and early eighteenth-century Britain. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Khan, Taj Moharram (1996) Central-local government relations in Pakistan since 1979. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Last, Kathryn Victoria (1996) The social and political determinants in the formation and implementation of habitat conservation policy : the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Laws, Catherine (1996) Music and language in the work of Samuel Beckett. PhD thesis, University of York.

Leahy, Kevin (1996) The geology of kimberlites from the Fort a la Corne area, Saskatchewan, Canada. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Leeson, Bernard Alan (1996) Managing to learn - learning to change : reflection and refraction in action. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Leger, Ellen (1996) Mature students' perception of stress on returning to learn. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lewis, Sian Elisabeth (1996) The social construction of depression : experience, discourse and subjectivity. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lim, Lik-Beng (1996) Some aspects of the crashworthiness of rail vehicles. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Lind, Andrew (1996) Microstructural stability and the kinetics of textural evolution. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Lynch, Andrew Sean (1996) Developmental Expression Patterns of Genes Predicted by the C.elegans Genome Sequencing Project. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Madill, Anna Louise (1996) Developing a discourse analytic approach to change processes in psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Maggs, Steven James (1996) Intermetallic phase selection in dilute Al-Fe-Si alloys. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

McElhone, Charles Gerard (1996) A constrained computational model for flexible scheduling. PhD thesis, University of York.

Mollins, Lee Hamilton (1996) The Design of Bentonite-Sand Mixtures. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Myerscough, Poppy Corita (1996) The Fishers of York: A provincial carver's workshop in the 18th and 19th centuries. PhD thesis, University of York.


Nadimi, Hamid (1996) Conceptualizing a framework for integrity in architectural education : with some references to Iran. PhD thesis, University of York.

Newton, Derek (1996) Food offered to idols in 1 Corinthians 8-10 : a study of conflicting viewpoints in the setting of religious pluralism in Corinth. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Notaro, Anna (1996) Fluctuations of fantasy : postmodernist contamination in Angela Carter's fiction. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Ofuka, Etsuko (1996) Acoustic and perceptual analyses of politeness in Japanese speech. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Ozkan, Aydin (1996) Costs of financial distress and capital structure of firms. PhD thesis, University of York.


Papaliangas, T. T (1996) Shear behaviour of rock discontinuities and soil-rock interfaces. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Parr, Janet (1996) Education : what's in it for mature women? An analysis of the experiences of mature women returners to education. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Peacock, Dave (1996) Morals, rituals, and gender : aspects of social relations in the Diocese of Norwich, 1660-1703. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pearce, Dominic Robert (1996) The characterisation of rock masses from laboratory and field studies of the velocity and attenuation of seismic waves. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pearson, Mark (1996) Synthesis of organic sounds for electroacoustic music : cellular models and the TAO computer music program. PhD thesis, University of York.

Pierpoint, Nicholas David (1996) The prediction and back analysis of excavation behaviour in Oxford Clay. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Pinfield, Valerie Jane (1996) Studies of Creaming, Flocculation and Crystallisation in Emulsions : Computer Modelling and Analysis of Ultrasound Propagation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Pratt, P. (1996) Problem solving environments for the numerical solution of partial differential equations. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Quail, John Michael (1996) Proprietors and managers: structure and technique in large British enterprise 1890 to 1939. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.


Reed, Jeffrey T (1996) A discourse analysis of Philippians : method and rhetoric in the debate over literary integrity. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Ridgeon, LLoyd (1996) Nothing but the truth: the Sufi testament of 'Aziz Nasafi. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Russell, Andrew T. (1996) Spatial variations in economic attitudes and voting behaviour in Britain, 1983-92. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Sambell, Kay (1996) The use of future fictional time in novels for young readers. PhD thesis, University of York.

Seedhouse, Paul (1996) Learning talk : a study of the interactional organisation of the L2 classroom from a CA institutional discourse perspective. PhD thesis, University of York.

Shan, Chou Wah (1996) Construction of women's image in the women's magazines in Hong Kong (1988-1992). PhD thesis, University of York.

Simpson, Jill C. (1996) A narrowband multiple frequency simultaneous drive EIT system applied to a linear array. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Skidmore, P. (1996) A dipterological perspective on the Holocene history of the North Atlantic area. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Smith , Desmond (1996) Democracy and the media in developing countries : a case study of the Philippines. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Soltani-Karbaschi, Hora (1996) Longitudinal changes in body composition with advancing pregnancy and the relationship of maternal fat deposition to fetal growth. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Souter, C. (1996) A corpus-trained parser for systemic-functional syntax. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Stevens, Crosby Anne (1996) The Rifle Brigade 1800 to c.1870 : a study of social, cultural and religious attitudes. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Stovin, Virginia Ruth (1996) The prediction of sediment deposition in storage chambers based on laboratory observations and numerical simulation. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Thompson, Kathleen Hapgood (1996) The counts of the Perche, c. 1066-1217. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Watson, Robert Emmerson (1996) The Foreign Office and policy-making in China, 1945-1950 : Anglo-American relations and the recognition of Communist China. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Weller, Paul Gareth (1996) The Salman Rushdie controversy, religious plurality and established religion in England. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wick, Keren H. (1996) An edition and study of "Nikulás saga leikara". PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

Wilson, Sarah Jane (1996) High resolution comparative palynostratigraphy and palaeoecology of Oligocene sequences in the terrestrial basins of the Western British Isles and the marine North Sea basin. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Xiao, Fang (1996) Going into the sea : the relationship of socio-economic developments and changes to the developments and changes in the education and training of adults in China and the UK, with comparative aspects in Hong Kong (1978-1996). PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.


Yeop Mat Dali, Ahmad Salludin (1996) The implementation of public low-cost housing programme in Malaysia 1976-1990. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yinger, Kent L (1996) To each according to deeds : divine judgement according to deeds in second temple Judaism and in Paul's letters. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yoon, Cheol-Won (1996) Paul's citizenship and its function in the narratives of Acts. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Young, John Tone (1996) Godly intelligence : intellectual contacts between England, Germany and the Netherlands 1638-1662: a study of the correspondence of Johann Moriaen. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield.

Yoward, Paul James (1996) Spider sperm competition : the conduit/cul-de-sac hypothesis - a route to understanding or a dead end. PhD thesis, University of York.


Zhou, Jian (1996) Polyacrylonitrile hollow fibre membranes for gas separation. PhD thesis, University of Leeds.

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